Riso Calendar Workshops

Dates (choose below):
Sat, 11.11. 2023

Sun, 12.11. 2023 11:00~16:00
Sat, 02.12. 2023 11:00~16:00
Sun, 03.12. 2023 11:00~16:00

Price: 80€

Language: DE / EN

In this workshop you will learn the basics of risography, design two 2-colour motives by yourself and go home with 5 collaborative calendars for 2024 featuring your own designs. Cool? Cool.

The Workshop does not require any specific software knowledge or artistic experience; we will be working with analogue no-drawing methods.

This years theme is Peculiar Patterns - Mutige Muster

The duration of the workshop will be roughly 5 hours and includes a swift introduction to Riso printing and why it’s the greatest printing technique on earth, cookies and coffe + tea.The workshop is limited to 6 persons, held in German and/or English language.

Riso Greeting Cards Workshop

Sun, 26.11.2023 / 14:00~17:00
Price: 55€ regular / 45€ reduced / 75€ for grown-up + 1 child
Language: DE / EN


[Considering to add another date for this, hit us up if you are interested but can't make it to this session]

Same same but different: Let’s make some seasonal greeting cards (for whichever *seasonal event* — you decide).

Like in our other workshops, we will work fully “analogue”, meaning there's no laptop, no software skills, no PDFs and no prior knowledge required!

We’ll show you the ancient technique of paper cut-outs to create shapes and patterns and will then scan them with our Risograph to create 2-color fold cards.

You will take home from this fine evening:
Two sets of 10 cards each to give away to loved ones, frenemies or someone *special* (like your cat). Of course, swapping is highly encouraged and you might as well walk out of the workshop with 20 different cards!

The workshop will roughly be 3 hours and includes some (*seasonal*) snacks, a tour around our studio, an intro to Riso-printing and all the materials needed to let your seasonal creativity flow.

See you soon!