by Maik Gräf


by Maik Gräf (self published, 2022)


»ZOE« is a photographic quest for emotion and sensuality. It deals with Greek mythology and society, focusing on perspectives of homosexuality and queerness.
The spiritual heritage which seems to promise a queer future, is visualized by looking at ancient depictions of the human body. The photographs of marble sculptures are juxtaposed with portraits of people from Athens that are active in the queer scene. In interviews, I learned about their experiences. Reports that question the local living conditions are telling about the fight against oppression.


Cover: Black on Fedrigoni Materica Ardesia 180g
Photo prints [block]: Black & Yellow/Fluorescent Pink/Federal Blue on Fedrigoni Freelife Vellum White 120g
Text & Endpages: Federal Blue on Inapa Bengali Rosa 80g
Postcard: Black on Fedrigoni Arena Natural Rough 200g

Color separation fully done with Spectrolite App.


Edition of 150, 210x280mm, 178 pages